Our courses

1. Zellen sind Trumpf! – Unterrichtsaktivitäten zur Zellbiologie

To support teachers in adopting inquiry-based strategies in their teaching, the Vienna Open Lab offers special trainings with ideas and practical tipps on how to keep science lessons equally varied and interesting. Our teacher trainings are aimed at teacher from elementary to secondary level and cover no only diverse research topics in life sciences but show experiments easily transferable to the classroom as well. Teacher trainings are all held in German, so please switch to the German version of the page to get a detailed description of the courses we offer for educators.

5. Mission Verdauung – Enzyme experimentell erkunden

Teacher trainings are all held in German, so please switch to the German version of the page to get a detailed description of this course.

2. Experimentieren und Forschend Lernen im Sachunterricht

Kind, das eine Apfelscheibe in einem Suppenteller mit Wasser begießt. Daneben liegen Kressesamen.

3. Einfache Experimente – spannend und wissenschaftlich umgesetzt

6. Experimente mit Milch - ein Alltagsprodukt als Forschungsobjekt

4. Kleines ganz groß - Mikroskopieren im Unterricht