New course about vitamins

Im Kurs wird der Vitamin-C-Gehalt von unterschiedlichen Orangensäften bestimmt, Bild: Vienna Open Lab

Vitamins are vital to the human body and part of a healthy diet. But which foods are particularly rich in vitamins and how can this be proven in the laboratory?

To get to the bottom of this question and to show visitors what kind of techniques are being used to detect vitamins, the Vienna Open Lab has developed a new course for young people aged 14 or over. In the three-and-a-half hour course "Vitamin Cocktail: Shaken and Titrated", visitors analyze different juice samples and determine their vitamin C content. In addition, the participants check dietary supplements and find out whether and where precisely vitamin B1 and B2 is detectable in the vitamin capsules tested.

Further information and booking options can be found here.

kg, 17/09/2018